UPDATE FROM THE TRAIL: Thanks to BEN OWEN, JON RUBIN, MADELINE WHITING, and KATIE BUCHER we raised $45 yesterday and were able to haggle to get Cliff healed up. Now all of them will be getting an 8bit Theme Song from AARON BLIDEN, coming soon! Today we’re at the...
UPDATE FROM THE TRAIL: We can’t stay healthy for too long. It’s getting icy, and, well… our fearless leader Cliff Clavin broke his leg. A nearby wagon has a medical kit, and for $50 we can get him healed up! TODAY’S REWARD: When you donate...
UPDATE FROM THE TRAIL: We’ve lost two Pioneers so far on the trail – Bruce D. and Josey. Today we take a moment to remember them, and be glad that we are alive. Lets get to Oregon! TODAY’S REWARD: MYSTERY PRIZE! For the first time, if you donate...
UPDATE FROM THE TRAIL: We’re at Fort Hall! Our last remaining Ox is too weak to continue, but if we raise $100 today a passing wagon will sell us one! TODAY’S REWARD: At the end of the day, Company Member VAUGHN IRVING, Disco Jesus himself,...
UPDATE FROM THE REAL WORLD: Wow, thank you. When we decided to start our “FLYING V PLAYS: THE OREGON TRAIL” campaign, we had no idea how popular it would be. Our goal was to raise at least $2,500 from 8/3 to 9/3, and now at just over half way there, we are...
We are on the brink of announcing FV25/Season 15 at Flying V. We can’t wait to share it with you! Stay tuned, and in the meantime, check out what we’ve done in Past Seasons and subscribe to our mailing list. More soon!