The DC-area loves The Best of Craigslist! So are you a theatre-goer seeking a show to enjoy this weekend? Check out the fantastic reviews for the show, and see if you can’t be sold: “…the things you find on Craigslist never cease to amaze…The cast and...
We’ve trudged through the worst to bring you the best. Opening next week, on Friday June 14th, The Best of Craigslist, is Flying V’s first fully devised production. That means the entire cast and crew made the piece from scratch. Well, except for the...
Hello Flying V Readers! Megan Reichelt here! I play Opal and Aurora in The Pirate Laureate of Port Town. Having two very different characters live in your body for a few months is hard work, and sometimes it helps to have methods of separating them and developing them...
Fourteenth of Janner Tonight at the Mate Meet, Captain Grayscale finally gave me a chance to sing the shanty I’ve been working on. Although the reception was mixed, it gave me great joy to play my accordion and lead my shipmates in a rousing round of “That One Eyed,...
We are on the brink of announcing FV25/Season 15 at Flying V. We can’t wait to share it with you! Stay tuned, and in the meantime, check out what we’ve done in Past Seasons and subscribe to our mailing list. More soon!