Flying V is delighted to present a shadowcast production of The Rocky Horror Picture Show in cooperation with Black Rock Center for the Arts on October 29th. The production will be helmed by the incomparable Mundy Spears The show: The Rocky Horror Picture Show...
Tristan B Willis (they/them) is a DC-based playwright, administrator, and game creator interested in trans and queer work and the intersection of theatre and games – including making meaningful , interactive experiences for audiences. They also coordinate the...
Rae Pendergrass (they/she) is a writer, performer, and edutainment producer who has worked with everyone from National Geographic to National Lampoon. In addition to being the Operations Manager on DOCS, they’re one of the producers behind Nerd Nite DC, an...
Kyra Corradin(she/her) enjoys creating visual art, performing, and designing role playing games. She is also deviser and game designer on DOCS. She is interested in exploring the different ways that art and performance can be experienced and interacted with. She is a...
Emma Kaywin (they / them / theirs) is a nonbinary queer educator, writer, and activist whose work focuses on trauma and sexuality education. They’re also the trauma informed experience manager for DOCS. They received a Master’s of Arts in health education from...
We are on the brink of announcing FV25/Season 15 at Flying V. We can’t wait to share it with you! Stay tuned, and in the meantime, check out what we’ve done in Past Seasons and subscribe to our mailing list. More soon!