You, or Whatever I Can Get
A Capital Fringe Festival Production
July 2014

The Walk of Shame, that Guy who’s always on the Couch, Friends with Benefits, J-Date, Drinking Zelco, Sexy Star Wars Jammies, Tinder, More Drinking, Screaming “I am an Attractive Man!” alone to your computer screen at 2am. And then that moment of sheer terror – I’m 30. I’m going die alone. This original song cycle looks at the anxieties, insecurities, desperations, and joys of dating and friendship in your late twenties and early thirties, with live music by the team that brought you the hit Disco Jesus and the Apostles of Funk. We’re all looking for someone – I want You. Or whatever I can get.
Created & Written by Farrell Parker, Vaughn Irving, Steve Przybylski, Jason Schlafstein, and Doug Wilder
Directed by Jason Schlafstein with Musical Direction by Steve Przybylski
Let’s cut to the chase: You, or Whatever I Can Get is fantastic.”
-Jonelle Walker, Washington City Paper
“Both musically memorable and lyrically insightful…it reaches a kind of generational truth many young artists are not yet capable of telling.”
–Sarah Ameigh, DC Theatre Scene
“You, or Whatever I Can Get is poignant, hilariously funny, and moving all at the same time.”
–Rick Westercamp, DC Metro Theatre Arts
“Made from love; unabashedly realistic, boisterous and poignant.”
-Jennifer Minich, Maryland Theatre Guide
“Really, really funny.”
-Sarah Ameigh, DC Theatre Scene