The Oregon Trail
A part of the DC Women’s Voices Festival

A tale of two young women, both named Jane. One is an awkward middle schooler with burgeoning body odor, a crush on a jerk who likes her sister, and an epic aptitude at The Oregon Trail. The other is actually in the game, living through the hardships of trail life with her family, totally unaware of her capricious fate as a character in a classic video game. But this game has an agenda of its own, maneuvering both Janes on a painful path towards self recognition. Looking at the impact of memory and the legacy of sadness across generations, THE OREGON TRAIL asks the age old question – do you want to ford the river?
Written by Bekah Brunstetter
Madeline Key
Kelsey Meiklejohn
Julia Klavans
Ryan Tumulty
William Hayes
Zachary Fernebok
Director: Amber Jackson
Scenic Designer: Katheryn Kawecki
Lighting Designer: Kristin A. Thompson
Sound Designer: Neil McFadden
Scenic Charge: Britney Mongold
TD/Master Carp: Andrew Berry and Julie Roedersheimer
Audience Designer: Tia Shearer Bassett
Stage Manager: Corie Bruins assisted by Derek David
Photos: Ryan Maxwell Photography