Mission & Values
Who we are/Artistic goals statement
Flying V is a performing arts organization that creates intersectional, niche-based art to provide spaces of belonging to artists and audiences. We share and interpret modern mythologies that affirm individuals’ unique identities and their relationship to the world. Our work and how we create it is rooted in care for, and accountability to, those same individuals.
Flying V ‘s Values
- Flying V values artistic, organizational, and community accessibility.
- Flying V values a healthy working experience for our collaborators.
- Flying V is an anti-racist and anti-oppressive organization intentionally working to remove structures that harm, minimize, or abuse people that experience oppression.
- Flying V values transparency to create organizational accountability.
- Flying V values the intersectional diversity of the nerd experience.
- Flying V values intentional spending through fiscal accountability, purposeful planning, and sustainable purchasing. Flying V recognizes our monetary resources and responsibility.
- Flying V values the ability to evolve our organizational values based on new understandings, new information, and new situations, and to build infrastructure to implement and recognize these changes.
More details, like general (though not exhaustive) examples of how these values can manifest, can be found HERE.
Shared Leadership at Flying V
Flying V works under a Shared Leadership model. Instead of recognizing a unilateral head of the organization to whom the entire staff answers all the time, the Flying V Leadership team is composed of a group of Artistic Leads (for each “wing” of FV programming), and an Administrative Lead (the Executive Director). This model, and a strong focus on Voice dynamics in the organization, helps to inform the way work is shared and distributed on a day to day and seasonal basis, and helps to also give us a framework that is inherently more equitable than hierarchical leadership models. Beyond our framework, Flying V has been intentional about building a diverse and intersectional leadership team. We are continuing to work to set up further internal and external structures and policies to support the safety of non-white, non-cis, and non-male collaborators and staff in our spaces of administration and production.
More thoughts on Shared Leadership at Flying V can be found HERE.
Transparency Documents
- Our 2024 Fiscal Year Budget
- Our Most Recent 990
- Our artistic collaborator/devising agreement
- Our Conflict Resolution Pathway and Code of Conduct (Note: specific pathway staff and board members change on a per project basis)
- Our No Retaliation Policy