Thanks to all of you, our Pioneers raised enough money to successfully caulk the wagon and safely cross the River! No loss of supplies or loss of life – and a big thanks to DEVORAH GABAI, RYAN MOORE, and IRENE MOORE for being our Trailblazers of the day.

On the opposite shore, wagon leader Cliff Clavin kept congratulating the crew on their first crossing. Spirits were running high except for Josey, who said, “Well, Cliff, I’m right glad not to be drowned too, but about now I need to shoot somethin’.”

That’s right, today is our first day HUNTING. And we all know that on the Trail, you can shoot as much as you want, but you can only carry so much with you. So today, we can only take $200 in donations for THE OREGON TRAIL – that’s all we can carry! But anything over $200 we make today will be saved to go to… our full run return production of our Award Winning Musical YOU, OR WHATEVER I CAN GET in February! That’s right – we can officially announce that one of our favorite shows ever will be returning for a full 16 performance run with the entire original cast. So today, by playing, you can support TWO great Flying V shows at the same time. Let the hunting begin!Untitled-3

Day 5


Anyone who donates today will be entered into a drawing to win TWO FREE TICKETS to our February run of YOU, OR WHATEVER I CAN GET – with the winner announced tomorrow!


The Oregon Trailbuy-tickets
September 4-20
The Writer’s Center, Bethesda