With the Wagon Party gathered, it’s time to get ready for the trip. Tomorrow, Independence will be far behind us. But today we are at Jason’s General Store (and what a fine purveyor of goods he is) to stock up on supplies. Today’s donations will determine what provisions our pioneers Cliff Clavin, Josey, Bruce D., Hank McGuffin, and Frank Salsa will have on the road!


Oxen, Axles, Yokes, and Canned Goods all cost money – and so do Costumes, Props, Lumber, and Steel. Help our Pioneers get supplies, and help us do the same for our World Premiere of THE OREGON TRAIL!

Anyone who donates today will have their picture drawn as a Pioneer by OREGON TRAIL star Madeline Key, and then posted to facebook! This is an exclusive for TODAY only, so help us buy supplies and get to Oregon, and get a picture in the process!Untitled-3

day 2




The Oregon Trailbuy-tickets
September 4-20
The Writer’s Center, Bethesda