The DC-area loves The Best of Craigslist! So are you a theatre-goer seeking a show to enjoy this weekend? Check out the fantastic reviews for the show, and see if you can’t be sold:
“…the things you find on Craigslist never cease to amaze…The cast and direction make it an unflaggable experience.”-Elliot Lanes, MD Theatre Guide
“Likely to be a hit with 20-something social media gurus and the general theatergoing population alike, it’s exemplary of the kind of work that can traverse the line between mainstream theatre and social commentary and offer a little something for nearly everyone.”-Jennifer Perry, DC Theatre Scene
“Flying V’s production captured the true spirit of Craigslist, both trolling and sincere, with a bemusing and moving piece of theater. The Best of Craigslist is a great time and a unique piece of theater, sure to broaden your horizons to a new side of pop culture.“-Max Johnson, DC Metro Theater Arts
“”With 50 or so small, producing theater companies in the Washington area, you’d think we’d have all the dramatic niches covered….But there is always room for more, as proven by a newish little troupe called Flying V.”-Rebecca Ritzel, The Washington Post
So what are you waiting for? A reply to your offer? The Best of Craigslist has the best price in town: $10.00! Buy your tickets today.