This blog has been SEVERELY underutilized, so in addition to being a nexus of Flying V information I’ve also decided to use it to showcase and curate some art, illustration, photos, music, videos, people, idea and posts that seem in line with the Flying V aesthetic – that singular, vibrant, unique version of Being Awesome that we call our own. Whether I know these people or not these are ideas or images that strike me as being in line with the artistic feel of our company. If you like us, I hope you’ll appreciate them. And if you like this, I feel fairly certain you’ll like us.

Up first – some art by Illustrator Leon Ryan.

I don’t know Leon Ryan, I discovered his work after typing in ‘Awesome Illustration’ (and it is) into Google. After a conversation recently I had the realization that we could do a stronger job of making our marketing materials speak outside the conventional theatrical language we’ve grown up in, and instead better capture who we are and what we do. So I started searching out images that spoke to me about who we are. And I found The Deep Sleep (above) The image speaks to me – the color, the content, the smooth lines, the bed that is the boat. It is the dreams of an old sailor, remembering past glory and adventure as he passes to the deepest sleep. To me, this is a FV show in an illustration. I love it. 

This image speaks to me too.

So check out his gallery and don’t be surprised to see the last dreams of an aging pirate or a dead man’s band in an old west saloon coming to a stage near you.
